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Protecting Your Pipes


Water is an integral part of our lives. We use it for drinking, using it to take care of our plants, flush when we use the restroom and use it to clean various things inside our homes. Without water flowing freely in our homes, many things that we take for granted cease to exist for you to use. It all starts with proper maintenance, and protecting your pipes is vital to maintaining your home.

Water is an integral part of our lives. We use it for drinking, using it to take care of our plants, flush when we use the restroom and use it to clean various things inside our homes. Without water flowing freely in our homes, many things that we take for granted cease to exist for you to use. It all starts with proper maintenance, and protecting your pipes is vital to maintaining your home.

Water is an integral part of our lives. We use it for drinking, using it to take care of our plants, flush when we use the restroom and use it to clean various things inside our homes. Without water flowing freely in our homes, many things that we take for granted cease to exist for you to use. It all starts with proper maintenance, and protecting your pipes is vital to maintaining your home.

What Can I Do To Protect My Pipes?

Taking care of your pipes is a simple thing to do and is not something that needs to be over thought. A lot of issues can be prevented with common sense and a few preventative measures. Here are a couple of things that you can do to protect your precious pipes. 

Prevent Clogging In your Sinks 

Clogging can become a significant issue when it comes to protecting your pipes, and there are some little things you can do to help prevent clogging. Do Not dump grease, oil, coffee grounds, or other foreign objects. This will go a long way in protecting the pipes in your home. 

Another thing that you could do is avoid the use (or overuse) of your garbage disposal. Foods that we don’t think of like pasta, potatoes, etcetera can damage your pipes, potentially clogging your pipes over time. 

Adding a small mesh clog catcher can also benefit your pipes’ lives by catching smaller particles that may slip through the drain and into the system. Again, keeping your drains clean can go a long way to ensuring your pipes’ health in the long run. 

Clean Your Showerheads, Faucets, And Spouts

Before using your sink or shower, be sure to check for build-up on your faucets/spouts/showerheads. You want to look for buildup caused by water softeners or accumulated sediments around the area. A good cleaning every week can help stop that buildup, but it may be time to replace your components if that is not helping. 

Take Care Of The Minor Issues

The mentality that it’s only a small thing won’t blow up to a significant issue. Running toilets, leaky faucets, or wet, dark spots can be ignored but only for so long. The best thing that you can do is to tackle these issues right away. 

You also want to be on the lookout for corroded pipe fittings, mildew, or rust on valves. Checking the lines leading to your washer and dishwasher ensures they are connected securely or not worn down because they could burst due to wear and tear. 

Insulating Your Pipes During Those Winter Months

Depending on where you live, it may be necessary to insulate your pipes to protect them from the elements and prevent them from potentially bursting. As we’ve seen with this current winter, even those who live in the south can become victims of frozen pipes. 

The best thing you can do is lower your water heater’s temperature to perform better during the winter season. Wrapping your pipes in insulated material will prevent the pipes from being exposed to the frigid air that may be seeping into your home.\It will also help regulate the lines’ temperature. On days where the weather is below freezing, letting the water slowly run can also provide protection against frozen pipes. 

Disconnecting the exterior hoses outside of the home from their faucets can help drain that water line, preventing the water lines from bursting. Be sure to turn off the water to those faucets to help avoid freezing from the outside. Speaking of turning off the water, be sure to know where to locate the water shut-off valves in your home so that you can turn them off in case of an emergency. 

Protect Your Home With Magic Rooter

Protecting your pipes is the first step in ensuring that your home runs efficiently and smoothly. Please contact the licensed professionals at Magic Rooter for help with your plumbing needs if you need assistance. Contact us at (662) 308-7858 or click here to set up an appointment!